We’re not ones to boast but, with its unique mix of architectural styles and ever changing cityscape, we’re going to stick our necks out and say that Shanghai is one of the most photogenic cities out there. Join a pro photographer to explore a local Shanghai neighborhood yet to suffer the gentrification of other parts of town and improve your digital camera skills in one fell swoop. Can’t say fairer than that now, can you? Oh, and keep your shots safe: big plans are afoot for this part of town and with Shanghai changing so fast, the area might just be unrecognizable soon!
Street Photo Shanghai
Learn about the Expert
A professional photographer from Europe who has worked on a wide variety of projects and publications, our expert is a veritable Sinophile and urban explorer who loves nothing better than treading the streets of Shanghai’s lesser-explored neighborhoods whenever the opportunity arises.
3,300RMB for 1-2 people; 800RMB per additional person
3 hours
Expert-led tour
Suitable for kids
What to Bring: Your camera. Our expert suggests a basic digital camera with adjustable settings (a good quality camera phone can be used in a pinch, but makes for less technical instruction).