Celebrity guest of the month Matt Damon used Bespoke to take his family to the Great Wall in May, choosing the ever-popular Mutianyu section to impress his wife and four children (yes, four!)
And while the Mutianyu section’s new policy of forcing visitors to walk along a 700m-long shopping street and board a public bus has made the section more touristy in recent months, thanks to Bespoke, the Damon Clan was able to avoid both. A special treat afforded to all of Bespoke’s customers – not just those with Oscars.

As it turned out, Matt’s tour guide Connie was also an Academy Award Winner (a Bespoke Tour Guide Academy Award Winner that is) – snatching first place in our annual competition last December to win an iPad.
In the words of Connie herself “Matt was so polite – always smiling! He was so nice that he and his wife encouraged everyone to give me a standing ovation after our lunch at the Brickyard.”
A mega star that treats mere mortals as mega stars? Now there’s a good egg.
If you want to be treated like a superstar at the Great Wall then take a trip with Connie (or one of our other tour guides).